We had such a great time at our Handi Quilter Retailer Training. It gave us a lot of inspiration for the shop & the future. We have a sample we made hanging up in the shop, plus a very cool pillow. There are so many things you can do directly on the long-arm, ie: binding and the actual piecing of your quilt. It was so cool to see.
COMING SOON: To know more about long-arms, whether you own one or not, we have several classes coming up on June 23 to 25. These classes are for everyone & will take the fear out of owning a long-arm. Email coming soon.
POP-UP SALE TOMORROW April 30th from 12 - 4
Select bolts of fabric will be on sale for just $8 a yard. If you take the whole bolt, they will only be $5 a yard!!!
This is to make way for new fabrics coming soon. So much to see!!
Last Call:
 Rosebud Snail Trails class coming May 4th & May 11 from 10:00 - 12:00. Click here to sign up (only 2 seats left): Rosebud Snail Trail Class
 This class is a great gift idea. This is our Folded Star Potholder Class. Wooden Spoons not included - lol. This class is May 7th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Click here to sign up (only 2 seats left): Folded Star Potholder Class

In this class you make this lovely tote out of our Hazelnut Legacy Faux Leather. This class is June 25th from 10 - 12 o.m. Click here to sign up (only 2 seats left) Back to Basics Tote
New Classes:
 June Block Builders Class This is a fun beginners class. This is a 10 month schedule. You may join anytime RSVP needed, and for as many classes as you like. This one will begin June 11th from 10:30 to 12:30. We are using the Andover Trinkets 21 & Kim Diehl fabric lines. Bring your machine and we will do a different block each month. Click here to sign up: June Block Builder Class - Block Builders Kit
 One Block Wonder Class Have you ever wanted to do a One Block Wonder? This is the class for you. These are stunning quilts. This is for intermediate quilters. There is a lot of ruler work. Plus you will have a lot of artistic choices within each block & quilt top. We are going over a lot during this 3 hour class. Come in to pick your fabric and we can show you what your OBW could look like. Class is May 21 from 2 - 5 Click here to sign up: One Block Wonder Class
Our monthly Potluck Club is going so well. The ladies are having a blast!! *Kit also needed.
 June Potluck - Liberty Pattern - June Kit of the Month - Liberty Even though there are only 6 seats for the in-shop potluck, there are more than 6 kits available. SO, there is nothing stopping you from having your own potluck with friends. And please share pics!
 New 7 month BOM starting June 16 form 9 - 10 a.m. We will demo the 60 degree ruler and long with giving color theory tips. We are using Paintbox fabric by Elizabeth Hartman. Fan Faire BOM w/ Color Theory
We've got LOTS of exciting classes coming up so please click on the following link to check them out: Click here for Classes
Some Classes on the horizon: Quilt as you Go 7/16/22 from 1 - 3 - Fun & Done (this is a 4 block table topper), 3 Yard Louvers quilt
Be on the lookout for our Christmas in July event. 🎄 Coming July 30th
Thank you to all who have been supporting my little shop! Because of you, we are able to get in new fabric. Keep an eye out for new lines coming soon. We also continue to get in new fabric every week. So come check us out if you have not done so lately. You may also check out our website; acraftedcottage.com
Finally, just a reminder: Frank Tucker, our sewing machine repair technician, comes to the shop each Wednesday for sewing machine pick-up and drop-off. If you want to show your machine some "tune-up" love, or it needs repairing, drop it off at the shop by end of day Tuesday, and barring anything extreme is wrong with it, you can pick it back up the following Thursday. His prices are as follows:
Mechanical Machines - $90
Computerized Machines - $100
Sergers - $115
Small Embroidery Machines - $140
Large Embroidery Machines - $160
He accepts cash or check, so please be prepared for that upon pick-up. Hopefully, you love the exciting things we have coming up, and we can't wait to see you in the shop! Much love,
A Crafted Cottage